Jonathan Maiorana

Sitting At the Docker of the Bay

Published on by Jonathan Maiorana

Docker-ified the site and another short journal entry.

We Have Docker At Home... Docker at Home

Just got a minimal Docker configuration setup and did the first test build. With any luck this article will be first read from a containerized version of this site. Not too shabby. Haven't played with Docker in years so its good to be messing with it again. I figure it will ultimately make Production deployment easier. Now just have to figure out all the other pieces of the pipeline to get this whole shebang properly deployed and maintainable.

Birthday Boy

On another note, it's my birthday tomorrow. Going to be 31. Woohoo! When I was younger I could never imagine being 31 and now here I am, all old. Other than all the new aches and pains cropping up I still feel like a little kid. I do wonder if I will always feel like one. Maybe it is just how my brain is. Who knows, eh?

Katy is making me cookies for my birthday tomorrow. She is the best. She asked me what I wanted and I couldn't decide so I told her chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, and peanut butter, but not sure which. She, being the nicest person ever of course, said she is going to make all three! Too awesome. I haven't been eating nearly as many sweets these days as I used to but I definitely plan to do a bit of gorging tomorrow, haha. I love a good cookie and if the dough is anything to go on, these cookies are going to be amazing. I don't like to make a big deal out of my birthday but I am really thankful for Katy working so hard to make it feel like a special day for me. She is the best and I am so glad she is my wife. Gotta go, Katy needs my help vacuum packing the cookies we are going to freeze and save.