Jonathan Maiorana


Published on by Jonathan Maiorana

The first post on the website. Saying hello, a journal entry, and a bit of future planning.

Hello, World!

This is the first post on my website. Mostly just for testing out the bare bones setup I have so far. There were some posts prior to this one but they were used for building out the basic setup. Certainly nothing worth preserving. This one however will be the first article that hangs around and will serve to mark the beginning of this personal website.

There is of course still lots to do, especially considering this website still pretty much only lives on localhost. Though it is at a point where I felt like writing a "real" post, so here it is.

Real Post

Perhaps a brief journal for today is fitting.

Katy is currently busy baking pumpkin muffins and no-bake oatmeal snacks. She is just about 32 weeks pregnant and is seemingly starting to enter her nesting phase in earnest. In between playing around with this site I helped make the muffins and take care of Crypto, who is currently on the floor next to me whining every few minutes. I think he wants to go outside, haha. The muffins were made with coconut oil which as it turns out is wonderful in combination with the pumpkin puree, nutmeg and cloves. Will definitely have to keep that recipe around for future use.

Also in the kitchen, we have a crock pot full of Iberian ham fat rendering down, which we started this morning. Alongside that is a large stock pot full of the bones from that same ham boiling away into a heavenly smelling stock. This morning, the whole house was smelling of Iberian ham and now that aroma is intermingling with coconut and pumpkin. A pretty good combination in my opinion.

Yesterday, we headed into Roanoke to take care of some errands. We delivered the leftover alcohol from our wedding to Brenda at the Maridor. She was very appreciative and said they would offer it to future renters if they ran out of alcohol at their own events. We are glad it won't be going to waste. Next we headed to Fresh Market and picked up a tomato and some sweet Hungarian Paprika for Goulash we are going to make later this week. Afterwards, we took Crypto on a nice long walk down one of Roanoke's Greenways. It was an easy hike, about an hour long, down and back on a paved foot trail. Crpyto loved it and got to see lots of people and other dogs. After tiring him out a fair bit, we went over to the Mast General store and I picked up a sorely needed pair of boots. I called it a birthday present to myself seeing as my birthday is coming up on the 10th. My current pair of boots are falling apart; the soles have almost separated completely at this point. I got a pair of Merrel Moab 2's. After trying them out over the past few days I can say they are very comfortable and so far seem to be of sturdy construction.

It's going to be dark soon so I'm going to head off and take Crypto for a quick walk before there is no more light left. Moving forward I am hoping this website will grow to be a catch-all for any content I make. Maybe it will be a well needed motivation to journal more and to create more content in general. I have a few ideas kicking around for more research-y or comparison-y type articles so hopefully I will find time to make those.

I'll leave you with this image, titled Jackie. It's a picture of a Pomski that I was using for testing out a custom figure component for this site. Next post I will have to include a picture of my dog, Crypto. He is cuter than Jackie, haha.

Figure 1: A Test Figure MDX Element Featuring Jackie
Figure 1: A Test Figure MDX Element Featuring Jackie