Jonathan Maiorana

FizzBuzz Revolution

Published on by Jonathan Maiorana

A silly game based around the classic programming interview question, FizzBuzz.

FizzBuzz, the Game

I made a game based around the classic programming interview question, FizzBuzz. It is built using PixiJS and React. Though in hindsight this did not need to be built using React at all. PixiJS is doing all the heavy lifting with respect to <canvas> manipulation and media resource management.

I learned a lot while building this silly game and would certainly build it differently if I did it again. The main thing I would rework is how PixiJS based objects are managed. The "function factory" solution used here works, but I think it could be better. Perhaps going as far as using Javascript classes is a more suitable model. Perhaps a more detailed write-up is warranted in the future, if for no other reason than to do a more thorough analysis of my initial approach.

Play FizzBuzz Revolution.