Jonathan Maiorana

Been a While

Published on by Jonathan Maiorana

Figured it was about time for another post.

Been a While, but Making Progress

As you may have noticed from the previous project post, I got the initial version of the weight-loss time-lapse viewer app up and running. I have a few more tweaks to make to it before posting it to the public, though it shouldn't be too long now. Especially not compared to the years it took me to finally get around to making it! It has been a great project to motivate me to learn lots of new things.

But Are You Still Master Of Your Domain?

In other news I got a domain name for this site ( and got it all wired up with AWS Lightsail. Decided to go with Lightsail because of how convenient it seems. So far it has proven to be quite easygoing, if maybe a bit limited in some areas. I'm certainly not pushing it to its limits in any way yet so it's doing just fine for now. I'm sure it's not the cheapest option, and I don't love giving Amazon any more of my money, but overall I've had a good experience. At least I have the domain name through another service that isn't owned by Amazon... I think, haha.

Life is Good

Katy is due really soon. She is still so active considering how far along in her pregnancy she is. Everyone we run into that hears when she is due is just so surprised she is still walking around and getting stuff done. Her due date is next Thursday, March 31st. We are both beyond excited to welcome little baby Isabella into this world. At her most recent appointment there were no real indications that labor is approaching, but we know it can happen all at once without much warning. We are patiently waiting for nature to take its course.

The last preparation we have to make prior to her arrival is getting the baby seat installed in the car. Otherwise, our hospital bags are packed, the birth plan is printed, and we are ready for Isabella to make her move. Also, Ashley, Katy's sister, has graciously agreed to come visit around Katy's due date to help watch our baby boy Crypto and our house while we are at the hospital. It is very generous of her and we are so grateful for the help. I hope she is also excited to be the first family member to get to see Isabella after Katy and I. I think Isabella is really lucky that Ashley is one of the first people she will get to meet. Come on, Belly! We can't wait to love you and hope you will enjoy life on the outside.

Everything else is going well. Crypto is happier than ever these days. We built him a sixty by fifteen foot run out behind the shed. Now he has a place to run around and play fetch. Finally we have a convenient place for him to get out all his energy and where we can train him on his recall. Hopefully we will get him to a point where we can trust him more off leash. He still has a severe selective hearing disorder whenever he is off leash. He is currently staring at me as I type this and slowly chewing on his chocolate bunny. I think hes trying to tell me he wants to play.

Spring has officially sprung. The days are getting longer too, which is very welcome. We would normally be well into gearing up for gardening, but this year we are focusing on growing a baby instead so the garden will be quite minimal. Last year after we moved in we hired a company to cut our grass. This year we decided we are going to tackle it ourselves moving forward. As such we just purchased a zero-turn mower. It's a Cub Cadet ZT1 54 inch and it is supposed to be delivered tomorrow. Should be pretty fun to zip around on, at least at first. I will have to see how long it takes for the novelty to wear off and it to become just another chore. My long term, pie-in-the-sky idea is to fully automate the mower so I can just sit on it and have it do all the mowing itself. Some sort of RTK/GPS type deal.

Until Next Time

I will try not to delay so much with the next post. Hopefully I can get into more of a rhythm. Once I wrap up the weight-loss viewer app I will have to figure out what the next project will be. I was thinking of something to calculate caloric yields of various combinations of plants. Something that gardeners could use to figure out reasonable amounts/combinations of crops for self-sufficiency. Could be quite handy. Also have a few more ideas I've been kicking around so we will have to see what sticks. Farewell for now!